How we can help
In addition to the general offer of service, we can offer various supports to this subject including helping you:
- organize and lead Professional Learning Communities
- design inclusive and engaging lesson sequences
- assist in the development of assessment tools (with emphasis on formative assessment strategies)
- understand the components of the QEP, The Progressions of Learning, and Frameworks for the Evaluation of Learning
- support research and evidence based projects in your school
- understand and engage students with Inquiry Based Learning Models
- engage students with questioning and discussion techniques (including ‘the talk moves’)
- engage students with the question formation technique, and a method for setting the stage for student led research
Pedagogical Resources
2020 Elementary History Curriculum Map
Secondary 4 History of Quebec and Canada ‘High Priority Knowledge Inventory’ (Review Tool!)
Secondary 4 History of Quebec and Canada ‘High Priority Knowledge Inventory’ (Answer Guide)
CURIO (CBC’s Educational Platform)
The National Film Board of Canada
The Critical Thinking Consortium Harvard Project Zero Thinking Routines