“Reading is like breathing in, and writing is like breathing out.” – Pam Allyn
“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.” – Roger Bacon
How we can help
In addition to the general offer of service, we can offer various supports including helping you:
- Explore and implement new pedagogical practices
- Develop a deeper understanding of the ELA programs
- Develop expertise in teaching for the transfer of language learning
- Carry out projects that address your pedagogical questions
- Examine formative assessment practices
- Investigate different teaching approaches and resources
- Carry out PDIG projects and other initiatives
Our Resources
Microsoft TEAMS have been created to support teachers of all grade levels in elementary and secondary sectors. If you are not a member of the group that corresponds to your teaching assignment, please let your consultant know in an email and we will add you to the membership.

Elementary English Language Arts
“A word after a word after a word is power.” – Margaret Atwood
Additional Resources
Quebec Ministry of Education – Québec Education Program
LCEEQ (Leadership Committee for English Education in Quebec)
DEELA (ELA materials based on Quebec curriculum)
ATEQ (The Association of Teacher of English of Quebec)
LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network)